Church membership
Before you consider membership
Check us out for a few Sundays and pray about it.
Deciding which church to plug into is an important thing, as much as we desire for more people to join our church, we desire more for God’s people to follow His will for their life.
Be in agreement with our doctrine.
There are many topics even amongst Christians inside of the same church, where beliefs may differ. But there are also primary doctrines that we must all agree on to remain unified in Christ (e.g. the bible being true, and salvation by faith in Jesus).
Be willing to follow our leadership.
The scripture talks a lot about how important unity is in the body of Christ. We believe the scripture gives instructions for 2 offices in the church: overseers (pastors/elders) and deacons. We have both a pastoral team who make the directional decisions for our church, and deacons who operate as a servant body.
Requirements to become a member
Be personally committed to Jesus Christ as your Lord.
Identify as a follower of Christ by being baptized (through immersion) as a believer.
Go through our New Member Class.
If you are interested in or have questions about the becoming a member contact us.
Show FAQs
Is joining a church, or committing to a local church even Biblical?
Yes. In the bible there is not a Christian (in good standing) during or after the book of Acts who wasn’t connected to a local church that they gathered with.
What about bylaws?
We have the Bible that governs how we to relate with each other and the world. Our bylaws, which can be changed, are our best effort in following the Biblical standard of how we as a church should relate with our government.
We desire to utilize our bylaws to accurately reflect how we operate as church.
Our bylaws can be requested to be viewed. Please contact the church office.